

A support group for mothers who raised babies and young children during early pandemic.

There is no group like this out there. Sign up now; spots are super limited and interest is high.

Are you a pandemic parent?

Do you still find yourself thinking of the pandemic on a very frequent basis, especially how it relates to your family, parenting, and motherhood?

Did the pandemic change the course of your family, career, or life in general?

Do you still feel guilt, shame, or sadness for events that occurred during the pandemic?

Do you have thoughts like “if it wasn’t for Covid…”?

Do you wonder about the lasting effects of the pandemic on your children…and yourself?

Here’s what group members receive

  • We'll meet on Wednesdays at 1pm Central time, for 90 minutes at a time

  • You'll receive a beta copy of my upcoming Pandemic Parents workbook. We'll utilize it during group, then you get to take it home.

  • We'll have a private chat group only for members of your cohort, to process and cope between sessions while enrolled in the program

  • This group will provide a safe place for you to process your pandemic experience, alongside mothers who experienced the same thing, all while receiving guidance and input from a veteran mental health professional and fellow mom.


When and where is the group held?

The group begins on Wednesday September 18, 2024, and runs for 6 consecutive Wednesdays. We’ll meet virtually, via zoom, from 1:00pm-2:30pm Central Standard Time.

Who can join the group?

This group is open to any mothers worldwide who had or raised a baby or young child during the early pandemic, 2020/2021.

What is the cost of the group? Do you take insurance?

The cost for this group is $75 per group meeting, for a total of $450 for the entirety of the group. Remember, you get six, 90 minute group sessions, private chat support in between, plus a copy of my Pandemic Parents workbook. I do not take insurance at this time, and this service would not be covered by insurance anyway. A superbill will not be provided. This group is entirely self-pay.

Is this group therapy?

No, this is not a therapeutic group. This group is purely for processing and support from myself as a guide, and your fellow mothers. This group is considered a coaching service, run through my coaching company Present Parent Coaching Services, and is not a replacement for mental health therapy, and provides no therapeutic service.

How do we join the group?

Just click the signup link, pay for the first session, and you’re signed up! I’ll charge for each following session after it occurs.

How many people will be in the group?

This group will discuss intimate topics so therefore, I am capping this Fall 2024 cohort to 8 mothers. I have 50+ on the waitlist so sign up while you can!